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1.   Xu, F., T. Wen, Lu, T.J. and R. McMahon, “Thermo-mechanical analysis of skin tissue”, J. Biomechanics39 (Suppl. 1), S394-S395, 2006.

2.             Xu, F., T. Wen, Lu, T.J. & K.A. Seffen, “Biothermomechanics of skin tissues”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids56, 1852-1884, 2008.

3.             Xu, F., T. Wen, Lu, T.J. & K.A. Seffen, “Modeling of nociceptor transduction in skin thermal pain sensation”, ASME J Biomedical Eng.130(4), 041013, 2008.

4.             Xu, F., Lu, T.J. & K.A. Seffen, “Biothermomechanical behavior of skin tissue” (Invited contribution), Acta Mechanica Sinica, 24(1), 1-23, 2008. (Top 10 most downloaded AMS articles of all time).

5.             Xu, F., Lu, T.J. & K.A. Seffen, “Skin thermal pain modeling - a holistic method”, J. Thermal Biology33(4), 223-237, 2008.

6.             Xu, F., T. Wen, K.A. Seffen & Lu, T.J., “Non-Fourier analysis of skin thermomechanics”, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 51, 2237-2259, 2008.

7.             Xu, F., T. Wen, Lu, T.J. & K.A. Seffen, “Quantification of skin thermal damage”, Academic J Xian Jiaotong Univ., 20(1), 1-8, 2008.

8.             Xu, F., Lu, T.J. & K.A. Seffen, “Temperature-dependent mechanical behavior of skin tissue”, IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, 35(1), 92-101, 2008.

9.             Xu, F., T. Wen, Lu, T.J. & K.A. Seffen, “Skin biothermomechanics for medical treatments”, J. Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials,  1(2), 172-187, 2008.

10.         Xu, F., Wen, T., Seffen, K. A. & T.J. Lu, “Modeling of skin thermal pain, a preliminary study”, Applied Mathematics and Computation,  205(1), 37-46, 2008.

11.         卢天健,徐峰,皮肤的力学性能概述《力学进展》38(4), 393-426, 2008.

12.         卢天健,徐峰,皮肤热疼痛感与伤害性刺激的关联性,《西安交通大学学报》(医学版),29(2), 128-133, 2008.

13.         卢天健,徐峰,K.A. Seffen皮肤组织的热力学行为表征:I. 拉压行为,《西安交通大学学报》(医学版),29(3), 247-251, 2008.

14.         徐峰,卢天健,K.A. Seffen皮肤组织的热力学行为表征:II. 粘弹性行为,《西安交通大学学报》(医学版),29(4), 365-369, 2008.

15.         徐峰,文婷,卢天健,皮肤热疼痛热力学的统一模型《力学学报》 40(5), 619-628, 2008.

16.         Xu, F., Lu, T.J. & K.A. Seffen, “Thermally-induced change in the relaxation behavior of skin tissue”, ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering131(7), 071001, 2009.

17.         Xu, F., Lu, T.J. & K.A. Seffen, “Effect of thermal damage on the compressive behavior of skin tissue”, J. Mechanics in Medicine and Biology9(1),  81-104, 2009.

18.         Xu, F., Lu, T.J., K.A. Seffen & E.Y.K. Ng, “Bioheat transfer of skin tissue”, Applied Mechanics Review62(5),050801,2009.

19.         卢天健,徐峰,皮肤组织压缩行为与热损伤的相关性,《固体力学学报》30(5), 433-443, 2009.

20.         卢天健,徐峰,皮肤传热的双相位滞后模型,《西安交通大学学报》43(5), 1-7, 2009.

21.         Zhou, B., Xu, F., Chen, CQ. & Lu, T.J., “Strain rate sensitivity of skin tissue under thermomechanical loading”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Theme Issue of “Multiscale Biothermal and Biomechanical Behaviours of Biological Materials”, 368, 679-690, 2010.

22.         Zhu, Y.J. & Lu, T.J., “A multiscale view of skin thermal pain, from nociception to pain sensation, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Theme Issue of “Multiscale Biothermal and Biomechanical Behaviours of Biological Materials”, 368, 521-559, 2010.

23.         Xu, F., Lu, T.J. & Guo, X.E., “Introduction, Multi-scale biothermal and biomechanical behaviours of biological materials”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 368, 517-519, 2010.

24.         Xu, F., Lin, M. & Lu, T.J., “Role of non-Fourier thermal behaviour in transduction process of nociceptor”,Computers in Biology and Medicine40, 478-486, 2010.

25.         Lin, M., Xu, F., Lu, T.J. & Bai, B.F., “A review of heat transfer in human tooth - experimental characterization and mathematical modeling”, Dental Mater. 26(6), 501-513, 2010. ScienceDirect TOP25 Hottest Articles, 2010

26.         Wang, P.F., Zhou, J.X., Li, M.E., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Nonlinear dynamics of self-oscillating polymer gels”, Sci. in China E53(7), 1862-1868, 2010.

27.         Xu, F., Wang, P.F., Lin, M., Lu, T.J. & Ng, E.D.Y., “Quantification and the underlying mechanism of skin thermal damage, a review”, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 10(3), 373-400, 2010.

28.         Lin, M., Liu, Q.D., Xu, F., Kim, T., Bai, B.F. & Lu, T.J., “A new method for characterization of thermal properties of human enamel and dentine, Influence of microstructure”, Infrared Physics & Technology 53, 457-463, 2010.

29.         王鹏飞,周进雄,李梅娥,徐峰,卢天健,自振动凝胶的动力学特性《中国科学》E辑(技术科学)40(9), 1-10, 2010.

30.         卢天健,徐峰,电磁加热条件下皮肤组织的生物热力学行为《力学学报》201042(4), 719-732

31.         徐峰,林敏,卢天健,Eddie Y.K. Ng皮肤生物热传导模型综述《中国力学文摘》2010.

32.         周丽宏,陈自强,黄国友,翟晓,陈咏梅,徐峰,卢天健,细胞打印技术及应用,《中国生物工程》,30(12), 95-104, 2011.

33.         Huang, G.Y., Zhou, L.H., Zhang, Q.C., Chen, Y.M., Sun, W., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Microfluidic hydrogels for tissue engineering”, Biofabrication3(1), 012001, 2011.

34.         Gurkan, U.A., Moon, S.J., Geckil, H., Xu, F., Wang, S.Q., Lu, T.J. & Demirci, U., “Miniaturized lensless imaging systems for cell and microorganism visualization in point-of-care testing”, Biotechnology Journal6(2), 138-149, 2011.

35.         Fan, Z.B., Zhai, X., Zhou, L.H., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Thermal shock resistance of skin tissue”, Journal of Medical Systems35(5), 863-867, 2011.

36.         Lin, M., Luo, Z.Y., Xu, F., Bai, B.F. & Lu, T.J., “Fluid dynamics analysis of shear stress on nerve endings in dentinal microtubule, A quantitative interpretation of hydrodynamic theory for tooth pain”, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology11(1), 205-219, 2011.

37.         Zhu, Y.J., Xu, F., Su, J.H., Zhou, H. & Lu, T.J., “Mathematical modeling for the prediction and improvement of tooth thermal pain, a review”,Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 11(4), 735-772, 2011.

38.         Xu, C., Xu, F., Wang, B. & Lu, T.J., “Electrospinning of poly (ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) nanofibres encapsulated with Ag nanoparticles for skin wound healing”, Journal of Nanomaterials, 201834, 2011.

39.         Lin, M., Luo, Z.Y., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Fluid mechanics in dentinal microtubulesprovidesmechanisticinsights into the difference between hot and cold tooth pain”, PLoS ONE6(3), e18068, 2011.

40.         Lin, M., Luo, Z.Y., Xu, F., Bai, B.F. & Lu, T.J., “Analysis of thermal-induced dentinal fluid flow and its implications in dental thermal pain”, Achieve of Oral Biology56(9), 846-854, 2011.

41.         Shu, J.H., Xu, F., Lu, X.L. & Lu, T.J., “Fluid flow-induced calcium response in osteoblast, mathematical modeling”, J. Biomech.44(11), 2040-2046, 2011.

42.         Zhou, L.H., Huang, G.Y., Wang, S.Q., Wu, J.H., Lee, W.G., Chen, Y.M., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Advances in cell-based biosensors using three-dimensional cell-encapsulating hydrogels” (Invited Contribution for Special Edition), Biotechnology J.6(12), 1466-1476, 2011.

43.         Luo, Z.Y., Xu, Lu, T.J. & Bai, B.F., “Direct numerical simulation of the detachment of single captured leukocyte under different flow conditions”, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology11(2), 273-285, 2011.

44.         Sha, B.Y., Gao, W., Wang, S.Q., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Cytotoxicity of titanium dioxide nanoparticles differs in four liver cells from human and rat”, Composites Part B, Engineering42(8), 2136-2144, 2011.

45.         Luo, Z.Y., Xu, F., Lu, T.J. & Bai, B.F., “Direct numerical simulation of single leukocyte deformation in microchannel flow for disease diagnostic”, Journal of Medical Systems 35(5), 869-876, 2011.

46.         黄国友,徐峰,周丽宏,周进雄,陈咏梅,卢天健,载细胞水凝胶体系中微通道结构对营养物输送能力的影响,《西安交通大学学报》45(4), 1-8, 2011.

47.         林敏,刘少宝,牛林,徐峰,卢天健,牙齿热疼痛流体动力学假说的证实与完善,《西安交通大学学报》45(12), 117-122, 2011.

48.         Yang, S.L., Jiang, B., Xu, F., Lin, M., Zhao, G.P. & Lu, T.J., “Analysis of mechanical response of fistula plug for structure optimization”, Theo. Appl. Mech. Lett. (Invited Contribution for Speical Edition) 2, 014007, 2012.

49.         Sha, B.Y., Wei, G., Han, Y.L., Wang, S.Q., Wu, J.H., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Potential application of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in the prevention of osteosarcoma and chondrosarcoma recurrence”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology12, 1-4, 2012.

50.         Fan, Y.T., Xu, F., Huang, G.Y., Lu, T.J. & Xin, W.L., “Single neuron capture and axonal development in three-dimensional microscale hydrogels”, Lab on a Chip (IF 5.697) 12(22), 4724-41,2012.

51.         Li, Z., Dong, K., Xu, F., Li, X.H., Lu, T.J., Zhou, G.J. & Chen, Y.M., “Novel phosphorescent hydrogel based on Ir metal complex”, Macromol. Rapid Commun. (IF 4.4) 33(14), 1191-1196, 2012; also used as journal cover.

52.         Zhang, W.J., Wang, S.Q., Lin, M., Han, Y.L., Zhao, G.P., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Advances in experimental approaches to investigating cell aggregates mechanics”, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica25(5), 473-482, 2012.

53.         Lin, M., Zhai, X., Wang, S.Q., Wang, Z.J., Xu, F. & & Lu, T.J., “Influences of supra-physiological temperatures on microstructure and mechanical properties of skin tissue”, Medical Engineering Physics34, 1149- 1156, 2012.

54.         Guo, Y.Q., Xu, F., Lu, T.J., Duan, Z.F. & Zhang, Z., “Interleukin-6 signaling pathway in targeted therapy for cancer”, Cancer Treatment Reviews (IF 6.8) 38(7), 904-910, 2012. (ESI高被引论文)

55.         Huang, G.Y., Zhang, X.H., Xiao, Z.P., Zhang, Q.C., Zhou, J.X., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Cell-encapsulating microfluidic hydrogels with enhanced mechanical stability”, Soft Matter (IF 4.5) 8(41), 2012, 10687 - 10694.

56.         Lin, M., Zhao, Y., Wang, S.Q., Liu, M., Duan Z.F., Chen, Y.M., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Recent advances in synthesis and surface modification of lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles for biomedical applications”, Biotechology Advances (IF = 9.6) 30(6), 1551-1561, 2012. (ESI高被引论文)

57.         Huang, G.Y., Wang, L., Wang, S.Q., Han, Y.L., Wu, J.H., Zhang, Q.C., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Engineering three-dimensional cell mechanical microenvironment with hydrogels”, Biofabrication4, 042001, 2012.

58.         林敏,赵英,董宇卿,周丽宏,胡杰,沙保勇,韩玉龙,徐峰,卢天健,稀土上转换发光纳米材料的制备及生物医学应用研究进展(特邀稿件),《中国材料进展31(1),1-21, 2012.

59.         Li, Y.H., Huang, G.Y., Zhang, X.H., Li, B.Q., Chen, Y.M., Lu, T.L., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Magnetic hydrogels and their potential biomedical applications”, Advanced Functional Mater. (IF 10.179) 23(6), 660-672, 2013. (ESI高被引论文)

60.         Bai, B.F., Luo, Z.Y., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Numerical simulation of cell adhesion and detachment in microfluidics”, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology13(1), 1350002, 2013.

61.         Huang, G.Y., Wang, S.H., He, X., Zhang, X.H., Demirici, U., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Helical spring template fabrication of cell-laden microfluidic hydrogels for tissue engineering”, Biotechnology and Bioengineering (IF 3.7) 110(3), 980-989, 2013.

62.         Sha, B.Y., Gao, W., Wang, S.Q., Li, W., Liang, X., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Nano-titanium dioxide increased cardiac injury in rat under oxidative stress”, Food and Chemical Toxicology58, 280-288, 2013.

63.         Bai, B.F., Luo, Z.Y., Wang, S.Q., He, L., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Inertia effect on deformation of viscoelastic capsules in microscale flows”, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics (IF=3.37) 14(5), 817-829, 2013.

64.         Qu, Z.G., He, X.C., Lin, M., Sha, B.Y., Shi, X.H., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Advances in the understanding of nanomaterial-biomembrane interactions and their mathematical and numerical modeling”, Nanomedicine - Future Medicine (IF 5.055)8(6), 995-1011, 2013.

65.         Luo, Z.Y., Wang, S.Q., Lu, T.J., Xu, F. & Bai, B.F., “Front tracking simulation of cell detachment dynamic mechanism in microfluidics”, Chem. Eng. Sci. 97, 394-405, 2013.

66.         He, X., Wang, P.F., Huang, G.Y., Liu, S.B., Xu, M.L., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Development of a micro-indentation device for measuring the mechanical properties of soft materials”, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters3(5), 054004, 2013. DOI, 10.1063/2.1305404

67.         Han, Y.L., Yang, Y.S., Liu, S.B., Wu, J.H., Chen, Y.M., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Directed self-assembly of microscale hydrogels by electrostatic interaction”, Biofabrication 5(3), 035004, 2013. DOI, 10.1088/1758-5082/5/3/035004  

68.         Wang, P.F., Liu, S.B., Zhou, J.X., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Kinetic modeling and bifurcation analysis of chemomechanically responsive gels under mechanical load”, The European Physical Journal E - Soft Matter and Biological Physics 36, 108, 2013. DOI, 10.1140/epje/i2013-13108-x

69.         Ma, X.W., Kang, F., Xu, F., Feng, A.L., Zhao, Y., Lu, T.J., Yang, W.D., Wang, Z., Lin, M. & Wang, J., “Enhancement of Cerenkov luminescence imaging by dual excitation of Er3+, Yb3+-doped rare-earth nanoparticles”, PLoS ONE 8(10),e77926, 2013. DOI, 10.1371/journal.pone.0077926.

70.         Han, Y.L., Wang, W.Q., Hu, J., Huang, G.Y., Wang, S.Q., Lee, W.G., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Benchtop fabrication of three-dimensional reconfigurable microfluidic devices from paper/polymer composite”, Lab on a Chip (IF 5.697 一区) 13(24), 4745-4749, 2013.

71.         Hu, J., Wang, L., Li, F., Han, Y.L., Lin, M., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Oligonucleotide-linked gold nanoparticle aggregates for enhanced sensitivity in lateral flow assays”, Lab on a Chip (IF 5.697 一区) 13(22), 4352-4357, 2013.

72.         韩玉龙,刘振齐,沙保勇,王琳,周丽宏,陈咏梅,段震峰,卢天健,徐峰,利用带电荷高分子水凝胶调控软骨肉瘤细胞生长《生物医学工程》30(4), 782-788, 2013.

73.         王鹏飞,刘少宝,周进雄,卢天健,徐峰,自振荡凝胶的动力学模型及可控性分析《力学学报》45(6), 888-896, 2013.

74.         Kwak, D.S., Bae, J.-Y., Jeon, I. & Lu, T.J., “Evaluation of pre-stress in the menisci of a human knee joint using microindentation”, Proc. IMechE Part H, J. Eng. Med. 228(1), 11-18, 2014.

75.         Hu, J., Wang, S.Q., Wang, L., Li, F., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Advances in paper-based point-of-care diagnostics”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics (一区,IF 5.437) 54, 585-597, 2014. (2014年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文) (ESI高被引论文)

76.         Sha, B.Y., Gao, W., Wang, S.Q., Li, W., Liang, X., Qu, Z.G., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Oxidative stress increased hepatotoxicity induced by nano-titanium dioxide in BRL-3A cells and Sprague-Dawley rats”, J. Applied Toxicology 34(4), 345-356, 2014.

77.         Li, Y.H., Huang, G.Y., Zhang, X.H., Du, Y.N., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Engineering cell alignment in vitro”, Biotechnology Advances (IF 9.599) 32(2), 347-365, 2014.

78.         He, X.C., Qu, Z.G., Xu, F., Lin, M., Wang, J.L., Shi, X.H. & Lu, T.J., “Molecular analysis of interactions between dendrimers and asymmetric membranes at different transport stages”, Soft Matter 10(1), 139-148, 2014.

79.         Lin, M., Genin, G., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Thermal pain in theeth, electrophysiology governed by thermomechanics”, Appl. Mech. Rev. 66(3), 030801, 2014.

80.         Han, Y.L., Hu, J., Genin, G., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Direct writing of functional materials at the point of care”, Scientific Reports (by Nature Publishing Group) 4, 4872, 2014.    

81.         Han, Y.L., Wang, S.Q., Zhang, X.H., Li, Y.H., Huang, G.Y., Qi, H., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Engineering physical microenvironment for stem cell based regenerative medicine”, Drug Discovery Today (IF 6.55) 19(6), 763-773, 2014.

82.         Wang, L., Huang, G.Y., Sha, B.Y., Wang, S.Q., Han, Y.L., Wu, J.H., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Engineering three-dimensional cardiac microtissues for drug screening applications”, Current Medical Chemistry 21(22), 2497-2509, 2014.

83.         Lin, M., Zhao, Y., Liu, M., Qiu, M.S., Dong, Y.Q., Duan, Z.F., Li, Y.H., Pingguan-Murphy, B., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Synthesis of upconversion NaYF4,Yb3+, Er3+ particles with enhanced luminescent intensity through control of morphology and phase”, J. Mater. Chem. C,2(19), 3671-3676, 2014. (Front cover article)

84.         裘慕书,林敏,赵英,董宇卿,卢天健,徐凝胶网络模板法可控制备NaYF4,Yb3+, Er3+稀土上转换纳米颗粒,《无机材料学报29(5), 545-549, 2014.

85.         王琳,胡杰,李菲,隗慧林,李英,卢天健,王书崎,徐峰,智能手机在现代医学应用中的最新进展《生物医学工程》31(1), 222-227, 2014.

86.         赵兴红王鹏飞林敏卢天健徐峰自振荡凝胶的力化耦合模型及其仿生应用研究《力学进展》44(1), 418-446, 2014.

87.         Liu, S.B., Wang, P.F., Huang, G.Y., Wang, L., Zhou, J.X., Lu, T.J., Xu, F. & Lin, M. “Reaction-induced swelling of ionic gels”, Soft Matter(IF 4.151) 11(3), 449-455, 2015. (Back cover article)

88.         Sha, B.Y., Gao, W., Cui, X.Y., Wang, L., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “The potential health challenges of nanomaterials”, Journal of Applied Toxicology (IF 3.174) 35(10), 1086-101, 2015.

89.         Feng, A.L., You, M.L., Tian, L.M., Singamaneni, S., Liu, M., Duan, Z.F., Lu, T.J., Xu, F. & Lin, M., “Distance-dependent plasmon-enhanced fluorescence of upconversion nanoparticles using polyelectrolyte multilayers as tunable spacers”,Scientific Reports (IF 5.078)5, 7779, 2015. (ESI高被引论文)

90.         Wang, P.F., Wang, L., Li, B.Q., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Controlled cyclic drug release based on chemomechanical gels”, J. Controlled Release 213, E33, 2015.

91.         Jin, B.R., Lin, M., Xu, F., Zong, Y.J., Wan, M.X. & Lu, T.J., “Microbubble embedded with upconversion nanoparticles as bimodal contrast agent for fluorescence and ultrasound imaging”,Nanotech. 26(34)345601, 2015. (IF=3.6)

92.         Yong, K.W., Li, Y.H., Huang, G.Y., Lu, T.J., Safwani, W.K., Pingguan-Murphy, B. & Xu, F., “Mechano-regulation of cardiac myofibroblast differentiation, implications for cardiac fibrosis and therapy”,AJP-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 309(4), H532-H535, 2015.

93.         Li, Z.D., Li, F., Hu, C.J., Han, Y.L., Guan, B.P., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Direct writing electrodes using ball pen for paper-based point-of-care testing”,Analyst 140(16), 5526-5535, 2015.

94.         Wang, L., Li, Y.H., Chen, B., Liu, S.B., Li, M.X., Zheng, L., Wang, P.F., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Patterning cellular alignment through stretching hydrogels with programmable strain gradients”,ACS Appl. Mater. & Interfaces (IF 5.90) 7(27), 15088-15097, 2015.

95.         Han, Y.L., Liu, H., Ouyang, C., Lu, T.J. and Xu, F., “Liquid on paper, rapid prototyping of soft functional components for paper electronics”,Scientific Reports (IF 5.078) 5, 11488, 2015.

96.         Wang, L., Qiu, M.S., Yang, Q.Z., Li, Y.H., Huang, G.Y., Lin, M., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Fabrication of microscale hydrogels with tailored microstructures based on liquid bridge phenomenon, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfacses (front cover article) 7(21), 11134-11140, 2015.

97.         Qi, H., Huang, G.Y., Han, Y.L., Zhang, X.H., Pingguan-Murphy, B., Lu, T.J., Xu, F. & Wang, L., “Engineering artificial machines from designable DNA materials for biomedical applications”, Tissue EngineeringPart B - Reivews (IF 4.254) 21(3), 288-297, 2015.

98.         Lin, K, Huang, G.Y., Li, J.C., Zhang X.H., Ma, Y.F., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Bioprinting-based high-throughput fabrication of three-dimensional MCF-7 human breast cellular spheroids on chip, Engineering 1(2), 269-276, 2015.

99.         Zhao, H.X., Zhang, X.H., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Recent advances in electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering”,Adv. Funct. Mater. (IF=11.805) 25(36), 5726-5738, 2015.

100.      Li, Y.H., Poon, C.T., Li, M.X., Lu, T.J., Pingguan-Murphy, B. & Xu, F., “Chinese noodle inspired muscle myofiber regeneration”,Adv. Funct. Mater. (IF=11.805) 25(37), 5999-6008, 2015.

101.      Liu, F.S., Li, C.H., Liu, S.B., Genin, G., Huang, G.Y., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Effect of viscoelasticity on skin pain sensation”,Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters 5(6), 222-226, 2015.

102.      He, X.C., Lin, M.,Lu, T.J., Xu, F. & Qu, Z.G., “Molecular analysis of interactions between PAMAM dendrimer-paclitaxel conjugate and biomembrane”,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (IF=4.493) 17(44), 29507-29517, 2015.

103.      Zhang, X.H., Liu, M., Li, Y.H., Dong, Y.Q., Pingguan-Murphy, B., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Engineering cell microenvironment using novel functional hydrogels”,European Polymer J. 72, 590-601, 2015.

104.      Shi, M., Lin, K., Yong, K.W., Li, Y.H., Feng, S.S., Zhang, X.H.,Pingguan-Murphy, B., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “High-throughput non-contact vitrification of cell-laden droplets based on cell printing”,Scientific Reports (IF 5.578) 5, 17928, 2015.

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116.      Liu, H., Zhou, L.H., Jiao, J.J., Liu, S.B., Zhang, Z.M., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., Gradient mechanical properties facilitate arabidopsis trichome as mechanosensor”,ACS Applied Material & Interfacses 8, 9755-9761, 2016.

117.      Chen, B., Lin, M., Li, Y.H., Huang, G.Y., Genin, G., Deshpande, V., Lu, T.J. &Xu, F., “Coupled mechanical and signaling kinetic factors enable cells to probe matrix stiffness through filopodial dynamics”,Biophysical Journal 111 (Front Cover) 111, 2051-2061, 2016.

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120.      Li, Z.D., Liu, H., Ouyang, C., Wee, W.H., Cui, X.Y., Lu, T.J., Pingguan-Murphy, B., Li, F. & Xu, F., “Recent advances in pen-based writing electronics and their emerging applications”,Adv Func Mater (IF=11.805) 26(2), 165-180, 2016.

121.      Cui, X.Y., Hu, J., Choi, R.J., Wang, X.M., Huang, Y.L.,Lu, T.J. &Xu, F., “A volumetric meter chip for point-of-care quantitative detection of bovine catalase for food safety control”, Analytica Chimica Acta935, 207-212, 2016.

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127.      Zhou, L.H., Liu, S.B., Wang, P.F., Lu, T.J., Xu, F., Genin, G., Lu, T.J. & Pickard, P.G., “The arabidopsis trichome is an active mechanosensory switch”,Plant Cell & Environment (一区,IF 6.960) 40(5), 611-621, 2017.

128.      Liu, H., Qin, H.B., Li, Z.D., Han, Y.L., Lin, M., Yang, H., Lu, T.J., Li, F. & Xu, F., “Paper, a promising material for human-friendly functional wearable electronics”, Mater. Sci. & Eng. - R, Reports (IF 24.652) 112, 1-22, 2017.

129.      Jin, B.R., Wang, S.R., Lin, M., Jin, Y., Zhang, S.J., Cui, X.Y., Gong, Y., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Upconversion nanoparticles based FRET aptasensor for rapid and ultrasenstive bacterialdetection”, Biosensors and Bioelectronics 90, 525-533, 2017.

130.      Zhu, H.Y., Lin, M., Jin, G.R., Lu, T.J.& Xu, F., “A modified energy transfer model for determination of upconversion emission of β-NaYF4,Yb,Er, Role of self-quenching effect”, J. Luminescence 185, 292-297,  2017.

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132.      Dong, Y.Q., Lin, M., Jin, G.R., Park, Y.I., Qiu, M.S., Zhao, Y., Yang, H., Li, A. &Lu, T.J., “Fabrication of fluorescent composite hydrogel using in situ synthesis of upconversion nanoparticles”, Nanotechnology 28(17), 175702, 2017.

133.      Dong, Y.Q., Jin, G.R., Ji, C.C., He, R.Y., Lin, M., Jin, Zhao, X., Li, A., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Non-invasive tracking of hydrogel degradation using upconversion nanoparticles”, Acta Biomateriala 55, 410-419, 2017.

134.      M. Lin, Y. Gao, T. J. Diefenbach, J. K. Shen, F. J. Hornicek, F. Xu, T. J. Lu, M. Amiji & Z.F. Duan, “Facial Layer-by-layer Engineering of Upconversion Nanoparticles for Gene Delivery, NIR Initiated FRET Tracking and Overcoming Drug Resistance in Ovarian Cancer”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9(9): 7941-7949, 2017.

135.      Liu, H., Liu, S.B., Jiao, J.J., Lu, T.J.& Xu, F., Trichome, a natural biophysical and biochemical barrier for plants”, ACS Applied Material & Interfacses 13(30), 5096-5106, 2017.

136.      Lin, M., Liu, F.S., Liu, S.B., Ji, C.C., Li, A., T.J. Lu & F. Xu, “The race to the nociceptor, mechanical versus temperature effects in thermal pain of dental neurons”, Acta Mech. Sinica 33(2), 260-266, 2017.

137.      Han, Y.L., Li, M. X., Yang, Q.Z., Huang, G.Y., Liu, H., Qin, Y.D., Genin, G., Lu, T.J.& Xu, F., Collective wetting of a natural fibrous system and its application in pump-free droplet transfer”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 27(22), 1606677, 2017.

138.      Liu, S.B., Liu, H., Feng, S.S., Lin, M., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Fountain streaming contributes to fast tip-growth through regulating the gradients of turgor pressure and concentration in pollen tubes”, Soft Matter 13(16), 2919-2927, 2017.

139.      徐峰,张晓慧,鲍雪娇,赵国旭,刘付生,黄国友,李莹辉,卢天健基于先进生物材料的心肌细胞力-电微环境体外构建《力学进展》48(1): 1807, 2018.

140.      Chen, B., Lin, M., Huang, G.Y., Li, Y.H., Ji, B.H., Genin, G.M., Deshpande, V.S., Lu, T.J.& Xu, F., “Cellular mechanosensing of the biophysical microenvironment, A review of mathematical models of biophysical regulation of cell responses”, Phys. Life Reviews 22-23, 88-119, 2017.

141.      Chen, B., Lin, M., Huang, G.Y., Li, Y.H., Ji, B.H., Genin, G.M., Deshpande, V.S., Lu, T.J.& Xu, F., Energetics, An emerging frontier in cellular mechanosensing Reply to comments on Cellular mechanosensing of the biophysical microenvironment, A review of mathematical models of biophysical regulation of cell responses, Phys. Life Reviews 22-23, 130-135, 2017.

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143.      M. Lin, S.B. Liu, G.M. Genin, Y.J. Zhu, M. Shi, C.C. Ji, A. Li, T.J. Lu & F. Xu, “Melting away pain, decay of thermal nociceptor transduction during heat-induced irreversible desensitization of ion channels”, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 3(11), 3029-3035, 2017.

144.      Huang, G.Y., Li, F., Zhao, X., Ma, Y.F., Li, Y.H., Lin, M., Jin, G.Y., Lu, T.J., Genin, G. & Xu, F., “Functional and biomimetic materials for engineering of the three-dimensional cell microenvironment”, Chem. Rev. 117(20), 12764-12850, 2017.

145.      Hu, J., Yee, C.-H., Chen, X.S., Feng, S.S., Yang, Q., Wang,S.Q., Wee, W.-H., Pingguan-Murphy, B., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Paper-based capacitive sensors for identification and quantification of chemicals at the point of care”, Talanta 165, 419-428, 2017.

146.      Liu, H., Li, M.X., Li, Y.H., Yang, H., Li, A., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Magnetic steering of liquid metal mobiles”, Soft Matter 14(17), 3236-3245, 2017.

147.      Shi, M., Feng, S.S., Zhang, X.H., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Biothermodynamics of droplet-based vitrification for cell aggregates, Numerical analysis”, J. Mech. Behavior Biomed. Mater. 82, 383-393, 2018.

148.      Jin, B.R., Yang, Y.X., He, R.Y., Park, Y.I., Lee, A., Bai, D., Li, F., Lu, T.J., Xu, F. & Lin, M., Lateral flow aptamer assay integrated smartphone-based portable device for simultaneous detection of multiple targets using upconversion nanoparticles”, Sensors and Actuators B, Chemical276, 48-56, 2018.

149.      Liu, H., Li, M.X., Li, Y.H., Li, A., Yang, H., Lu, T.J.& Xu, F., “Magnetic steering of liquid metal mobiles”, Soft Matter 14(17), 3236-3245, 2018.

150.      Dong, Y.Q., Jing, G.R., Hong, Y., Zhu, H.Y.,Lu, T.J., Xu, F., Bai, D. & Lin, M., “Engineering cell microenvironment using novel photo-responsive hydrogels”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10(15), 12374-12389, 2018.

151.      Zhang, W., Huang, G.Y., Ng, K., Goa, B., Huang, L.Q., Zhou, J.X., Lu, T.J.& Xu, F., “Fabrication of hydrogel ellipsoidal cap as building block or sacrificial template for three-dimensional cell culture”, Biomater. Sci. 6, 885-892, 2018.

152.      Li, Y.H., Hong, Y., Xu, G.-K., Liu, S.B., Shi, Q., Tang, D., Yang, H., Genin, G., Lu, T.J.& Xu, F., “Non-contact tensile viscoelastic characterization of microscale biological materials”, Acta Mech. Sinica 34, 589-599, 2018.

153.      Liu, H., Li, M.X., Ouyang, C., Lu, T.J.,, Li, F. & Xu, F., “Biofriendly, stretchable, and reusable hydrogel electronics as wearable force sensors”, Small 14(36), 18017115, 2018.

154.      Ji, C.C., Song, F., Huang, G.Y., Wang, S.W., Liu, H., Liu, S.B., Huang, L.P., Liu, S.M., Zhao, J.Y., T.J. Lu & F. Xu, “The protective effects of acupoint gel embedding on rats with myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury”, Life Sci. 211, 260-266, 2018.

155.      Zhu, H.Y., Yang, X.X., Genin, G., Lu, T.J., Xu, F. & Lin, M., “The relationship between thiol-acrylate photopolymerization kinetics and hydrogel mechanics, An improved model incorporating photobleaching and thiol-Michael addition”, J. Mech. Behavior Biomed. Mater. 185, 160-169,2018.

156.      Y.F. Ma, M. Lin, G.Y. Huang, Y.H. Li, S.Q. Wang, G.Q. Bai, T.J. Lu, F. Xu, “3D spatiotemporal mechanical microenvironment, a hydrogel-based platform for guiding stem cell fate”, Advanced Materials, e1705911, 2018.

157.      Cui, X.Y., Cao, L., Huang, Y., Bai, D., Huang, S., Lin, M., Yang, Q.Z., Lu, T.J., Xu, F. & Li, F., “In Vitro Diagnosis of DNA Methylation Biomarkers with Digital PCR in Breast Tumors”, The Analyst 143, 3011-3020, 2018.

158.      Qin, H.B., Jin, G.R., Zhao, G.X., Huang, G.Y., Ma, Y.F., Zhang, X.H., Sha, B.Y., Luo, Z.T., T.J. Lu & F. Xu, “Heterostructured Silk-Nanofiber-Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite Scaffold for SH-SY5Y Cell Alignment and Differentiation”,  ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces10(45), 39228-39237, 2018.

159.      Tian, J., Huang, G.Y., Lin, M., Qiu, J.B., Sha, B.Y., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “A mechanoelectrical coupling model of neurons under stretching”, J. Mech. Behavior Biomed. Mater.93, 213-221, 2019.

160.      Liu, S.B., Tao, R., Wang, M., Tian, J., Genin, G., Lu, T.J.& Xu, F., “Regulation of cell behavior by hydrostatic pressure”, App. Mech. Rev. 71(4), 040803, 2019.

161.      Li, M.X., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Soft fibrous structures in nature as liquid catcher”, Acta Mech. Solida Sinaca 32(18), 580-590, 2019.

162.      Liu, H., Li, M.X., Liu, S.B., Jia, P.F., Guo, X.J., Feng, S.S., Lu, T.J., Yang, H.Y., Li, F.& Xu, F., “Spatially modulated stiffness on hydrogel for soft and stretchable integrated electronics”, Mater. Horizons7, 203-213, 2019.

163.      Sun, S., Feng, S.S., Xu, F., Ji, C.C., Shi, M. & Lu, T.J., “Microstructural effects on permeability of nitrocellulose membranes for biomedical applications”, J. Membrane Sci.595, 117502, 2019.

164.      Qin, H.B., Ji, Y., Li, W.F., Yang, Q.Z., Zhang, X.H., Luo, Z.T., Jin, G.R., T.J. Lu & F. Xu, “Microfluidic printing of 3D graphene electroactive microfibrous scaffolds”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12(2), 2049-2058, 2019.

165.      Liu, S.B., Yang, H.Q., Genin, G., Xu, F. & Lu, T.J., “Electrostatic switching of nuclear basket conformations provides a potential mechanism for nuclear mechanotransduction”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids133, 103075, 2019.

166.      金碧瑞, 杨叶欣, 卢天健, 徐峰, 林敏,“基于核酸适配体的上转换荧光纸基传感器用于测定茶水中黄曲霉毒素B1,”《中国科学:化学》49(2), 147-153, 2019.

167.      Liu, S.B., Liu, H., Jiao, J.J., Yin, J., Lu, T.J.& Xu, F., “Biomechanics in plant resistance to drought”, Acta Mech. Sin.36(5), 1142-1157, 2020.

168.      Cheng, B., Wan, W., Huang, G., Li, Y., Genin, G. M., Mofrad, M. R. K., T.J. Lu, Xu, F. & Lin, M., “Nanoscale integrin cluster dynamics controls cellular mechanosensing via FAKY397 phosphorylation”.Sci. Adv.6, eaax1909, 2020.

169.      Zhu, H.Y., Yang, X.X., Genin, G., Lu, T.J., Xu, F. & Lin, M., “Modeling the mechanics, kinetics, and network evolution of photopolymerized hydrogels”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 142, 104041, 2020.

170.      Zhu, H.Y., Yang, H.Q., Ma, Y.F., Lu, T.J. Xu, F., Genin, G. & Lin, M., “Spatiotemporally controlled photoresponsive hydrogels, design and predictive modeling from processing through application”, Adv. Funct. Mater.30(32), 2000639, 2020.

171.      Zhu, H.Y., Yang, X.X., Genin, G., Lu, T.J., Xu, F. & Lin, M., “Modeling the mechanics, kinetics, and network evolution of photopolymerized hydrogels”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 142, 104041, 2020.

172.      He, W., Peng, X.J., Chen, X., Xin, F.X. & Lu, T.J., “3D mechanical analysis of a self-contractile cell with stress fibers reorganization”, Appl. Math. Modeling 92, 710-718, 2021.

173.      Liu, S.B., Yang, H.Q., Wang, M., Tian, J., Hong, Y., Li, Y., Genin, G., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “Torsional and translational vibrations of a eukaryotic nucleus, and the prospect of vibrational mechanotransduction and therapy”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids. 155(12), 104572, 2021.

174.      Liu, H., Zhang, S.M., Lu, T.J., Li, Z.K., Lin, H.S., Zhu, Y.Z., Ahadian, S., Emaminejad, S., Dokmeci, M.R., Feng Xu & Khademhosseini, A., “Harnessing the wide-range strain sensitivity of bilayered PEDOT,PSS films for wearable health monitoring”, Matter4(9), 2886-2901, 2021.

175.      Zhang, C., Zhu, H.Y., Ren, H., Gao, B., Cheng, B., Liu, S.B., Sha, B.Y., Li, Z.Q., Zhang, Z., Lv, Y., Wang, H.H., Guo, H., Lu, T.J., Xu, F., Genin, G. & Lin, M., “Mechanics-driven nuclear localization of YAP can be reversed by N-cadherin ligation in mesenchymal stem cells”, Nature Comm. 12, 6229, 2021.

176.      Yin, J., Liu, H., Jiao, J., Peng, X.J., Pickard, B.G., Genin, G.M., Lu, T.J. & S Liu, “Ensembles of the leaf trichomes of Arabidopsis thaliana selectively vibrate in the frequency range of its primary insect herbivore”, Extreme Mechanics Letters48, 101377, 2021.

177.      Liu, F.S., Wu, H., Yang, X., Dong, Y.Q., Huang, G.Y., Genin, G.M., Lu, T.J. & Xu, F., “A new model of myofibroblast-cardiomyocyte interactions and their differences across species”, Biophysical J.120 (17), 3764-3775, 2021.

178.      Zhang, C., Zhang, Z., Yang, X.X., Cheng, B., Lv Y., Wang, H.H., Guo, H., Lu, T.J., Xu, F., Genin, G. & Lin, M., “Mechanics-driven nuclear localization of YAP can be reversed by N-cadherin ligation in mesenchymal stem cells”, Nature Communications 12, 6229, 2021.

179.    陶泽李墨筱,提飞,刘勇岗,刘少宝,卢天健, “充液弹性毛细管低温相变的力学分析”,《应用数学和力学》42(10), 1045-1061, 2021.

180.      Jia, Y., Wang, Y., Niu, L., Zhang, H., Tian, J., Gao, D., ... & Xu, F., “The plasticity of nanofibrous matrix regulates fibroblast activation in fibrosis”, Adv. Healthc. Mater 10(8), 2001856, 2021.

181.      Zhu, H., Lu, T. J., Xu, F., Genin, G. M., & Lin, M., “Anomalous Loss of Stiffness with Increasing Reinforcement in a Photo‐Activated Nanocomposite”, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 42(14), 2100147, 2021.

182.    Ti, F., Chen, X., Yang, H., Liu, S., & Lu, T. J., “A theory of mechanobiological sensation: strain amplification/attenuation of coated liquid inclusion with surface tension”, Acta. Mech. Sin. 37, 145-155, 2021.

183.      T. Xiao, X. Yang, K. Hooman, L. Jin, C. Yang, T.J. Lu, Conductivity and permeability of graphite foams: Analytical modelling and pore-scale simulation, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2022, in press.

184.      Isomursu, A., Park, K.-Y., Ho, J., Cheng, B., Shamsan, G., Fuller, B., Kasim, J., Mahmoodi, M.M., Lu, T.J., Genin, G., Xu, F., Lin, M., Distefano, M., Ivaska, J. & Odde, D.J., “Directed cell migration toward softer environment”, Nature Materials, 2022, submitted for publication.

185.      Liu, Y.G., Li, M.X., Qiang, L.S., Sun, X.C., Liu, S.B. & Lu, T.J., “Critical size of kidney stone through ureter”, J Mech. Behav. Biomed., 2022, submitted.

186.      Isomursu, A., Park, K. Y., Hou, J., Cheng, B., Mathieu, M., Shamsan, G. A., Lu T. J., ... & Odde, D. J., “Directed cell migration towards softer environments”, Nat. Mater. 21(9), 1081-1090, 2022.

187.      Liu, Y., Li, M., Qiang, L., Sun, X., Liu, S., & Lu, T. J., “Critical size of kidney stone through ureter: A mechanical analysis”, J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. 135, 105432, 2022.

188.      Zhang, Z., Sha, B., Zhao, L., Zhang, H., Feng, J., Zhang, C., Lu T. J., ... & Lin, M., “Programmable integrin and N-cadherin adhesive interactions modulate mechanosensing of mesenchymal stem cells by cofilin phosphorylation”, Nat. Commun., 13(1), 6854, 2022.

189.      Su, L., Wang, M., Yin, J., Ti, F., Yang, J., Ma, C., ... & Lu, T. J., “Distinguishing poroelasticity and viscoelasticity of brain tissue with time scale”, Acta Biomater 155, 423-435, 2023.

190.      Liu, S., Li, Y., Hong, Y., Wang, M., Zhang, H., Ma, J., ... & Lu, T. J., “Mechanotherapy in oncology: Targeting nuclear mechanics and mechanotransduction”, Adv. Drug Deliv. 194, 114722, 2023.

191.      Ti, F., Chen, X., Li, M., Liu, S., & Lu, T. J., “A cuboidal open cell model for constitutive modeling of surface effects in fluid-saturated porous materials”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 173, 105246, 2023.

192.      Zhang, Z., Zhu, H., Zhao, G., Miao, Y., Zhao, L., Feng, J., Lu, T. J., ... & Lin, M., “Programmable and Reversible Integrin‐Mediated Cell Adhesion Reveals Hysteresis in Actin Kinetics that Alters Subsequent Mechanotransduction”, Adv. Sci. 10(35), 2302421, 2023.

193.      Tao, Z., Liu, Y., Wang, M., Yin, J., Liu, S., & Lu, T. J., “Ultrafast Axial Freezing in a Liquid-Filled Capillary Tube”, Langmuir 40(2), 1555-1566, 2023.

194.      Liu, Y., Liu, S., Li, M., & Lu, T. J., “Quantification of Ureteral Pain Sensation Induced by Kidney Stone”,J. Appl. Mech. 90(8), 081003, 2023.

195.      Liu, S., Yang, H., Xu, G. K., Wu, J., Tao, R., Wang, M., ... & Xu, F., “A snap-through instability of cell adhesion under perturbations in hydrostatic pressure”, J. Mech. Phys. Solids 182, 105476, 2024.

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